I also think that running under the skull kid so that he drops the ocarina right on top of you is a neat trick.ģ. I reached the golden flower surprisingly quickly, though. Just a couple of minor mistakes, such as jumping off the festival tower the wrong way. Very smooth, but still, the first cycle is rather boring. (If I was really hardcore, I would've just entered my name as "A," But we have to draw the line somewhere.)Ģ. Very smooth overall, although the entering of the name at the beginning was a bit sloppy. A rather short and boring segment, mostly cut scenes. If you have any questions or comments about this run, my AIM screenname is XDragornX.ġ. An awful lot of work went into this, so I hope its enjoyable. In Cycle 2, I got 30+ Pieces of Heart and 13 Collectible Masks, in addition to completing the 4 Temple and collecting their fairy's' gifts (and this is by no means maximized efficientcy for this run, a lot of quests had to be left for the last 2 cycles, just so that there would be stuff available to kill time between various time-constrained events). I've always been fascinated with just how much stuff one could theoretically accomplish in a single cycle as this run shows, it's pretty astounding. Of course, the in-game clock isn't all bad.

Unfortunately, I experienced both of these problems (see the discussion for segments 7 & 21 below for details). Alternatively, new time-saving tricks that are discovered & implemented midway through the run can screw up the time schedule. Even minor discrepancies in execution speed in the run can add up and make you too late (or, preferably, too early) for events. These problems arose from the game's internal clock, which really makes speedrunning frustrating. I spent about 3 weeks mapping everything out in a gigantic Excel document and playtesting it to fix all the problems, and even then, I still had a few hitches in the final product (nothing too serious, thankfully). With so many events, many of which depend upon one another, and some that can only be performed at certain times (more on the game's internal clock in a moment), the route really has a lot to account for. Majora's Mask has an incredible amount of sidequests and optional tasks.

Now, where to begin? First, the definition of 100% completion for this game, along with my rationale in choosing a 4-Cycle-Strategy, is outlined in the MM 100% Discussion Topic: action=display num=1118613852įor a Zelda speedrun, the route is always of utmost importance for this run, it's much more so. StrangenessDSS - For the excellent Snowhead Temple Sequence Breaks & Goht/Gyorg strats Pyh189 - For the improved Great Bay Temple route also one of the first to discover the damage-boosting trick, among other things Most importantly, his work finally sparked some speedrun discussion for OOT's sorely overlooked sequel TSA - For his Ikana Castle Sequence break, idea for Stone Tower sequence break, and various little tricks I picked up from his exploratory run. Radix - For somehow managing to violate the laws of the internet and host all these runs with no fees Available in 3 versions: low, normal and high quality. Speed run of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask with 100% item collection in 29 segments, completed on August 5 2005.